Tom Joliffe - Firenado, Mega Lightning, The Area 51 Incident (2023) #video

Tom Jolliffe is a screenwriter, producer, and film journalist. He grew up in Marlow, England with a passion for cinema that began in the video store aisles. After studying film at university he focused more on writing film reviews including some guest reviews for publications like Ain’t it Cool and Moviehole, before becoming a regular contributor for the popular UK film site, Flickering Myth.

Jolliffe recently wrote a number of action scripts for Shogun films, beginning with the star-studded revenge film, Renegades, starring Lee Majors, Danny Trejo, Michael Pare, and Ian Ogilvy. He has gone on to form a partnership with Jagged Edge Productions, and although he turned down the writing opportunity for Blood and Honey, he still has countless other fun projects under his belt.

After a non-stop run of features from 2018-2022, Tom continues his busy streak in 2023 with a number of scripts in development and a few projects he’s set to produce. As far as recent releases, be sure to check out Firenado as I think it is one of the more vital films coming from both Joliffe and the Blood and Honey team. Also, be sure to take a look at The Baby in the Basket, a film that is currently being produced by Tom and filmmaker Nathan Shepka.

Jessie Hobson