Larisa Oleynik - Animal Among Us, 10 Things I Hate About You, Alex Mack (2019) #video

Looking back, I still can't believe I got to speak with Larisa. I grew up watching her, and she's just one of those interviews that I always thought would be out of my grasp. But thanks to the fine folks over at October Coast, we were brought together, and I couldn't be happier. I mean, this is Bianca Stratford we're talking about!

I can remember a time when my Grandma asked if I had ever seen 10 Things I Hate About You. I had, but she loved the film, so we watched it. A lot. I also took a Shakespeare course in college, and while I'd rather watch the film at home, it was a perfect companion piece to the 1967 classic Taming of the Shrew.


If you have Disney+ then you probably already know this, but when you boot it up and organize the films alphabetically, the very first thing is 10 Things. Also, on my social medias, I’ve begun to notice a sort of resurgence with the film. I mean, even the Hollywood Reporter listed it as one of the top things to watch on the Disney app.


While sure, my generation, the generation that grew up with it, will always love the film, but what about the kids of today? Personally, I think the acting and narrative is enough to keep anyone entertained, but it was nice to be able to ask Larisa and get her opinion on things.


It was also nice to ask THE Alex Mack, well, about Alex Mack. While I’m sure being the main focus on any show, especially at that age, is stressful enough, I'm sure there was an added pressure with headlining the show that was to replace established Clarissa Explains it All.

And while the series ended due to Larisa wanting to move on, both herself and the character, I was able to learn if there was a possibility that the series would ever make a return. With streaming services the way they are and the recent deal between Netflix and Nickelodeon, one could assume possible that the Secret World would get a renovation. And with Ken Lipman having a script ready to go, I don't think, if not a season, a “catch-up” movie, like Netflix with Rocko’s Modern Life, is out of the question.

But what is Larisa Oleynik up to today? Honestly, a little bit of everything. While she mentioned a secret project as well as a Netflix show, her most recent venture takes us to the Bigfoot-infested woods, with the horror title, Animal Among Us. Fifteen years ago, two teenage girls were murdered at Merrymaker Campgrounds. The case was filed as an animal attack, the camp was condemned, and the killer never found. But something horrific still waits in those woods, ready to kill again.


The film is pitched as Friday the 13th meets Dog Soldiers, but I actually think it is a bit smarter than that. Not to say Dog Soldiers is dumb, I love that film. It's just that Animal Among Us is, I think, a bit more clever than it gives itself credit for. And while I do want to talk about the film, I don't want to spoil it. There are a lot of twists and turns, and if you're buckled in, you'll enjoy every bump in the ride.

Don Frye, Christine Donlon, Jonathan Murphy, Erin Daniels, Heather Tom, Jasmine Dustin, and Whitney Davis star in the film by John Woodruff. Who doesn't love Don Frye? He basically plays himself, and I loved that! So, if you're into urban legends, or if you just want to see Alex Mack carrying a gun around the woods, check out Animal Among Us, released on VOD and DVD November 19 from Uncork’d Entertainment.

Jessie Hobson