The Draft! (2023) #FantasticFest

The Draft!, directed by Yusron Fuadi, is an energetic Indonesian horror-comedy that combines familiar genre tropes with a playful, meta-narrative twist. At its core, the film is a love letter to the horror genre and a cheeky exploration of the struggles a screenwriter faces when drafting a story—literally.

The premise is deceptively familiar: five college archetypes—the jock, the nerd, the pretty one, the rich one, and the popular one—set off on a weekend trip to an isolated cabin. When they arrive, an ominous warning from an older man and strange, mysterious occurrences set the stage for what looks like a run-of-the-mill horror setup. But Fuadi, clearly well-versed in the genre’s formula, takes that expectation and flips it on its head, weaving in a dizzying blend of Cabin in the Woods, Scream, and a Kurt Vonnegut-esque flair.

The film quickly ramps up the action with gruesome kills, unexpected twists, and a surreal sense of narrative detours. As the characters face increasing danger, the plot begins to feel like a chaotic draft of a screenplay in progress—fittingly so, given the film’s title. It toys with the audience, taking us down familiar paths only to veer wildly into bizarre, absurd territory. While this makes for a delightfully unpredictable ride, it also feels, at times, like the filmmakers struggled to tie everything together.

The self-aware tone of The Draft! is one of its strongest assets. Fuadi leans into horror tropes and simultaneously critiques them, poking fun at the genre’s clichés while celebrating its quirks. The film's rapid pacing and meta-commentary make for an engaging experience, though it occasionally risks becoming too self-referential. The humor, while hit or miss, mostly lands, though some of it may not translate as well for non-Indonesian audiences. Still, the film’s charm lies in its willingness to go all-in on its premise, embracing the chaos rather than reining it in.

Visually, The Draft! punches above its weight. The exterior shots are impressive, lending a cinematic quality that belies its indie roots, and the setting is as much a character as the cast. However, the film falters slightly as it progresses—some of the death scenes feel repetitive, lacking the freshness of the initial kills. That said, the sheer creativity behind the concept keeps the mystery alive, making you wonder what will happen next even if the deaths themselves aren’t always groundbreaking.

There’s a sense of “what if Cabin in the Woods met Stranger Than Fiction” running throughout the film, and it works well within its 84-minute runtime. However, the film runs out of steam by the end, feeling like both the fictional and real-life screenwriters didn’t quite know how to stick the landing. Still, the final act is full of wild, random happenings that keep the audience entertained, even if it doesn’t entirely satisfy.

Ultimately, The Draft! is a clever, self-aware horror-comedy that wears its love for the genre on its sleeve. It’s rough around the edges and may not stick the landing, but Fuadi’s creativity and passion shine through. Fans of meta-horror will appreciate this wild ride, even if it’s more of a draft than a polished final product.

Jessie Hobson