Run Run It's Him (2014) #DVD

While I never assumed I had an addiction to porn, after watching Run Run It’s Him, I now know that I’m in need of some serious self-reflection. The film is hard to describe honestly, but I’ll do my best. Matthew Pollack is addicted to porn and we’re along for the ride as he tries to understand and examine why his life has turned out the way it has.


The film itself has its ups and downs, and while some of it is fairly depressing, there’s so much of the movie that is laugh-out-loud funny. Matt covers a lot of familiar territory, things a lot of young males deal encounter, and because of the candid way he describes his routines you can’t help but nod your head in agreement.

Those sad moments you only assume happen in the movies, well, Matt experienced them all. He analyzes each situation carefully and thoroughly throughout the film, all the while offering up advice and input as to how he dealt with the anxieties of being a horny teenager. It probably sounds weird, but even all of these years later, it was oddly refreshing to know that I wasn’t alone.


Never did I ever imagine that hearing someone explain how they discard their ejaculate could be so thoughtful. I think that’s what’s so special about Matt. He doesn’t hold back, instead, he highlights the shame and frustration right along with his few glimpses of glory. Because of this, it becomes difficult not to relate to Matt and his coming of age tale.

The overall presentation is great too. The pseudo-VHS look not only adds personality to an otherwise bleak adventure, but the choice to go analog perfectly captures the pre-internet lens that Matt lived through while dealing with his risque obsessions.


While I mostly enjoyed the film, I felt like the third act dragged some. While Matt’s ledger system does drive the addiction aspect home, it probably wasn’t necessary to spend so much time on it. It is complex, but having so many minutes dedicated to a classification system doesn’t add much to the story.

Also, I can understand why Matt would want to interview women, especially those from his life, but this bit seemed a bit disconnected from the rest of the film. Because of his interesting way with words some of the lady reactions overshadow the underlying narrative.

I’m sure someone can get something out of these conversations, but there’s just nothing here for me. Perhaps, had an editor attacked these discussions with a fine-tooth comb these moments could have packed a bigger punch, but as is, these are some of the weaker moments and probably would have been better hidden away in the special features.

I can’t quite remember where I first heard about Matt and his flick, but I really wish I could recall. Because whoever brought this fantastic piece of cinema to my attention deserves a high five. Run Run It’s Him is one of those movies that I’ll never forget. Will I watch it again? I have no idea, but you can bet it’ll always be on the top of my recommendations list.

When someone compares renting a porn movie to eating a pastry, what’s not to love? If you’re even a little bit curious about this film, do yourself a favor and give it a look HERE.

Matt has a lot to say, we just need to listen.

Jessie Hobson