A documentary that delivers exactly what it promises, Wrecked a Bunch of Cars, Had a Good Time is an exhilarating dive into the world of demolition derby. Directed by James P. Gannon and Matt Ferrin, this short but powerful film offers a thrilling look at the competitors who live for the rush of metal-on-metal destruction.
The film follows four derby drivers, each with their own motivations and personal connections to the sport, as they prepare for and participate in a high-stakes championship event. Through a combination of stylish, well-paced editing and insightful interviews, the documentary captures the energy, excitement, and camaraderie that fuel this unique subculture. Despite its short runtime, every second is used efficiently, with no unnecessary filler.
One of the documentary’s biggest strengths is its ability to humanize the drivers. While the spectacle of crashing cars is undeniably exciting, the film goes beyond the chaos to showcase the dedication and passion behind the sport. The interviews provide a fascinating look at the level of preparation involved, from reinforcing vehicles to strategizing for survival in the ring. These moments add depth to what might otherwise be seen as pure carnage.
Visually, the film impresses with a variety of footage that immerses the audience in the heat of competition. The crashes are captured with stunning clarity, and the editing ensures that every impact is felt. The soundtrack further enhances the experience, adding to the adrenaline-fueled atmosphere.
While the documentary excels in its execution, it leaves the audience wanting more. A deeper exploration of the lead-up to the derby and its aftermath would have provided a more complete picture of the drivers’ journeys. The film serves as a strong introduction to the world of demolition derby, but it’s clear that there’s a larger story waiting to be told.
As a stepping stone to their upcoming feature, Wrecked a Bunch of Cars, Had a Good Time proves that Gannon and Ferrin have a keen eye for storytelling and a deep appreciation for their subject matter. This film is an engrossing, well-crafted glimpse into a world that deserves further exploration. If this is just the beginning, then the full-length project is something to be excited about.
Jessie Hobson