Michael O'Laskey (2019) #video

We recently attended the Power Morphicon Express in Pasadena, Texas, and while we were making our way around the convention I noticed a very familiar face. It took me a second, but eventually, I was able to pinpoint the memory. For those that don't recognize the name, don't feel bad, Mike was ONLY a huge part of your childhood. Not only was he a Power Ranger, but he also played Colt in one of the 3 Ninja movies.


Now, I've been a fan of the Power Rangers for as long as I can remember and, Mike was one of the original red rangers! He was Rocky! If he looks a bit different, it's because he played the child version of the Steve Cardenas' portrayal. As far as 3 Ninjas though, I liked the first few, but I never got around to seeing the one with Hulk Hogan in it. And that just so happens to be the one to feature our dude, Mike.


While that is great and all, I'm sure most of you know that there isn't a weekend that I miss a UFC fight card. And when I walked up to Mike's booth I noticed his banner had a few photos of him throwing down, and it was at that point that I realized this dude was the living, breathing embodiment of everything that I love and collect. I had to talk to this guy.

It was really nice getting to talk fighting and film with Mike and because of how well the interview went, I decided to take the plunge and finally order the only 3 Ninjas flick that I don't own. I've also added a few of Mike's fights to my YouTube queue. I'm gonna wait until the movie arrives to watch the fights, but one of these upcoming weekends could become THE Mike "Big Bang" O'Laskey marathon of greatness. You're all invited.

Jessie Hobson